The show grounds are located in North East Iowa. If you punch the info into a GPS unit the street address is 2097 210th St., Rockford, IA. Then depending on what direction you are coming in from you can find us easily following these directions. If coming from the East you can come through or just past Charles City, IA and follow Hwy 14 seven miles West to get to us. If coming from the south you can follow Hwy 14 past Greene, IA then go 10 miles North to the grounds. If coming from the North, depending on what area, you can follow the Avenue of the Saints 4 lane highway then turn off on Blacktop T38 and head South 5 miles to the grounds. If coming from the West we are 7 miles East of Rockford, IA on blacktop 147, or 210th Street in Floyd County. What ever direction you are coming from we hope to see you at the next or one of the future shows at the Cedar Valley Engine Club.
